الجمعة، 26 فبراير 2010

You'll always be in my life

Even if I'm not in your life

Because you're in my memory

You, will you remember me

And before you set me free

Oh listen please

Somebody wants you

Somebody needs you

Somebody dreams about you every single night

Somebody can't breath without you, it's lonely

Somebody hopes someday you will see

That Somebody's Me..

هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. When you said, "I love you,"
    I went over the moon.
    My heart sang its glory,
    The stars sang in tune.
    As when with a word
    God brought forth light,
    So with these words
    You ended my night.

    So with these words
    You made something new:
    A bond of devotion
    Between me and you.

    How powerful words
    To shape who we are!
    We ponder in silence;
    Our words cross a bar.

    Your words crossed a threshold
    And entered the past,
    Yet they have created
    A world that will last.
